"@ Sahe... You're perfectly right my friend she's beautylicious time after time. : ))"
“This addition to the "Shatter Me" trilogy including Juliet's journal, and two novels: "Destroy Me", which shows the events through the Warnerโs eye”
“The second part of the trilogy was much better than the first. Finally, something happened, finally came vision of the future world (although I think ”
“Spoilers and vulgarisms zone!!! :D A touching story of a young, rich and beautiful man with a complex personality, who loves to dominate in every a”
“My first review :P Warning, plenty of spoilers :) I didn't know before this story in the original, so I have to admit that the Time Machine plo”
“I ran into this book completely by chance while searching for some interesting dystopian items for young people. I said "why not?" and added a whole s”
"The album Are You Gonna Go My Way (1993) from Lenny Kravitz it's my fav and best album from him : )"
"No Pink Floyd or Deep Purple or Iron Maiden or Yes or Queen or Supertramp or Def Leppard or Judas Priest ?"
"That's more your kind of stories MovieCat and it's less soporific than a speech at the white house :D"
"@ Dale Sexton... You're right Dale Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan was the best from the original cast film series. : )"
"@ Jo-Jac... you're perfectly right my friend Blade II was underrated by many viewers and i can't really understand why because it's really a great film. : )"
"MovieCat as a vice-president would be cool and could vote for some Halloween days twelve times a year... imagine horror movies festival 12 times per year. : )"