"great choices of very good games i've got Dirt 3 , Batman Arkham city, GTA complete edition and red dead redemption and i'm even ranked in the top10 of the best coop multiplayer. i've bought also NHL "

"my answer to vixen... it's seems like we were listening to those songs a few years ago... 25 years past like a blink of a eye it's crazy (lol)"

"great choices but james hetfield from metallica,tom araya from slayer and joey belladonna from Anthrax have some good & original voices also."

"my answer to xxixii ... i didn't know that but i'm sure that the one made by Bonnie Tyler must be great because she as a powerfull and beautiful voice and her music was similar as Air Supply in the ea"

"i don't agree with you for The Matrix , Cape Fear and The Name of the rose because they are some of the most original & great movies and Edward Scissorhands is a very original and good also .... you s"

"my job is to evaluate movies,screenplays and actors and if i was a hater it would be impossible to do my job well and i really don't understand peoples who are haters it's like somekind of a weird bad"

"my answer to JPHOLT ... i've create that rating system 4 years ago because in the original rating system there's only 7 rating rank and sometimes there's some movies who are all rated 4 for good but a"

"your my friend mili and i'll be honest with you... it's a very desappointing list. anthony hopkins not scary as Hannibal WOW (he won a Oscar) and you did not realized that Quentin Tarantino always put"

"Spawn and Haunted mansion are not bad like the others 1's and even Roger Ebert like Spawn and a lot of my friends liked it also. Haunted mansion is for kids and it's not that bad either my daughter li"

"my answer to Happy Vader... remarquable is a french word and it's seems more classy then re'markable"

"very beautiful pics mademoiselle ... magical : )"

"she's one of the prettiest actress of the 40's and 50's"

"it's sad to see that a lot of them we're taken too much drugs or alcool and that provoked a heart attack or a overdose at a young age. outstanding work man great remembrance list"

"wow extremely touching remembrance list of a marvelous princess called audrey hepburn. it's a outstanding work that you did my friend and i'm sure some tears were include during the creation of this. "

"very funny list... superman need to go at the store for some new clothings he looks like a bum living on the street and washing car windshield for is dope (lol)"

"my answer to iceviper... The Blues Brothers and Smokey And The Bandit had some great car chase like Convoy (1978) and Grand Theft Auto (1977) but they are surely not some great cult movie's like the o"

"you have some great personnal choices and some of your choices are similar as my top 100 list and that's very logic because they are excellent movie's.the difference with my list and your list it's th"

"my answer to KingStefou... i know that buddy Quentin is #3 as my fav director and i can assure you that death proof (with zoe bell) will be on my list covering the 1991 to 2010 car chase movie's. : )"

"excellent movie list luuhs i love all those movie's except the exorcist that i've like when i was teenager but today i don't see it the same way it's like i'm seeing more the flaws in the movie.i'm a "

"my answer to burnodo. i've wanted to create a list of classic car chase movie's (before1990) when the action scenes were made with real cars and later i'm gonna do a bigger one for the 1991 to 2010 er"

"i think inglourious basterd is my # 1 it's very original. star trek is my # 2 and taken my # 3 great choices again man"

"the matrix is my # 1 and the fight club # 2 and # 3 Sleepy hollow. great choices man"

"my 2 best of 2012 are Farcry 3 (a masterpiece) Borderland 2 but it's hard to choose for the 3rd one sleeping dog , dishonored and the walked dead are all great games in their own categorie."

"there's the cover of a canadian punk metal band called Dayglo Abortions-feed the fetus (1986) who's very special and the album is very good also."